Amber Hinds, Equalize Digital CEO, recently presented at HighEdWeb's Accessibility Summit along with Elizabeth Gerber, VP of Student Development and Support Services, and Jeniece Smith, Director of Marketing and Community Relations at Highland ...
WordPress Page Builder Accessibility Comparison
No matter how diligent you are about entering your content in an accessible way, an accessible website is impossible without a solid foundation. The theme and page builder or block library you choose for your WordPress site controls a significant ...
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How to Code Accessible Accordions
Accordions are a common component on most websites. They make it easy to collapse longer content and allow people to skim through headings or questions quickly with minimal scrolling, then expand the ones that are relevant to them for additional ...
Shift Left with Accessibility Checklist
Request access to our Shift Left with Accessibility Checklist - a six-page checklist for building more accessible websites. This checklist is intended to help teams launch more accessible websites faster with fewer remediation items left at the ...
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Accessible Canada Act (ACA) Website Accessibility Requirements
If you work for a federal government organization or federally regulated private organization in Canada, or you build websites for these organizations, it's important to know about the Accessible Canada Act's website accessibility ...
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How to Add a Pause Button to Elementor Sliders for Accessibility
Are you working to make an Elementor website accessible? This tutorial will show you how to add pause buttons to Elementor sliders and carousels that auto-play. Adding pause buttons will improve the accessibility of your Elementor slides and make ...
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