To fix a missing transcript error, you will need to create a transcript for any of the video or audio clips that have been flagged as missing a transcript. Once you have created the transcript, you can either add the transcript content directly within your post or page or link to the transcript if you're including it as a downloadable doc or PDF file.
Tool Tips
To fix ambiguous anchor text, you will need to find the anchor text (or linked image alt text) that has been flagged as ambiguous and rewrite it to more clearly describe the page or document that is being linked to.
To fix incorrect heading order errors, you will need to either change the incorrect heading level to the correct heading level, or add content with the correct heading level in between the two already existing levels.
To fix this error, you will need to add missing alt text to any area tags that do not have alt text. The alt text needs to describe the function of the link contained in the area.
To fix this error, you will need to add meaningful alt text to the images that flagged the Linked Image Missing Alternative Text or Linked Image Empty Alternative Text error, ensuring that all linked images have alt text that describes the function of the link.
To fix an Image Missing Alternative Text error, you will need to add an alt tag to the image with appropriate text describing the purpose of the image in the page. If the image is decorative, the alt attribute can be empty, but it still needs to be present. To fix or resolve an Image Empty Alternative Text error, you need to all appropriate alternative text to describe the image's purpose. If the image is decorative, then you would leave the alternative text blank and "Ignore" the error.