Accessibility Ready Theme Test (Draft) Use the form below to test a WordPress theme for eligibility for the accessibility ready tag and generate a report. General InformationYour Name(Required)You will be listed as the tester of the theme. First Last Your UsernameDon’t start with an @ symbol. For example, write “alh0319” not “@alh0319”.Theme Name(Required)Theme URL Theme URL Trac Ticket NumberDeveloper UsernameDon’t start with an @ symbol. For example, write “alh0319” not “@alh0319”.Do you want a copy of this audit emailed to you?(Required) Yes No Your Email(Required) Required for Accessibility Ready TagKeyboard NavigationTheme authors must provide visual keyboard focus highlighting in navigation menus and for form fields, submit buttons and text links. All controls and links must be reachable using the keyboard.All interactive elements are keyboard focusable(Required)Using tab key, tab forward through site. Test to make sure that all links, buttons, form fields, and drop down menus are available using the tab key.(select)PassFailDescribe elements that should be keyboard focusable but don't receive focus:(Required)Dropdowns in navigation menus are keyboard accessible(Required)Tab through the navigation menu and ensure that that all dropdowns can be accessed with a keyboard alone. When entering a dropdown menu with the tab key it should become visible. Preferred, but not required: separate buttons to open and close dropdown menus with the keyboard alone.(select)PassFailMobile menu is keyboard accessible(Required)Zoom website to 200% and 400%. At each zoom level ensure that the mobile navigation menu can be accessed via the tab key, including any dropdowns. No text should be cutoff and submenus should be able to be open and closed with the keyboard alone.(select)PassFailDescribe issues with keyboard navigation in menus:(Required)All focusable elements have a visible focus indicator(Required)Make sure you can see visually which link or button is focused. Focus must either incorporate a visual change that is not based on color (background change, underline, shape). A color change only may be acceptable if the difference between the two colors meets color contrast at a minimum of AA contrast, however an indicator beyond color is preferred.(select)PassFailDescribe elements missing focus indicator:(Required)Focus order matches visual order of page(Required)Make sure that focus doesn’t move in unexpected ways around the page. In general, the travel path between links must match the text direction of the content language, e.g, traveling from left to right and top to bottom for LTR content. All tab stops within a visual region must be visited before the next visual region is moved into.(select)PassFailDescribe elements where focus order does not match the visual order:(Required)Page can be navigated backwards with Shift + Tab key(Required)Test shift+tab to move backwards and confirm that works as expected to move through the page in reverse order from bottom to top.(select)PassFailDescribe issues with reverse keyboard navigation:(Required)No hidden elements receive focus(Required)As you use the tab key to move there the site, watch for elements that are not visible (such as navigation menus, links or buttons in tabbed or accordion content, or carousels that receive keyboard focus. No hidden elements should receive keyboard focus. (select)PassFailDescribe hidden elements that receive keyboard focus:(Required)If you need help identifying the hidden element that receives keyboard focus, see how to track keyboard focus in Chrome.Keyboard navigation works on zoom(Required)Zoom the website to 200% and 400% and recheck keyboard functionality at these levels of zoom. Ensure that all prior tests still pass at 200% and 400%.(select)PassFailDescribe keyboard navigation issues on zoom(Required)ControlsAll theme features that behave as buttons or links must use button, input, or a elements, to ensure native keyboard accessibility and interaction with screen reader accessibility APIs. All controls must also have machine-readable text to indicate the nature of the control.Specific controls testedCheck off elements as you test them. Search form submit button Comment form submit button Mobile navigation menu open button Mobile navigation menu close button Links to post singles Other List other controls tested(Required)Links coded using <a> tags(Required)Inspect the code for links in your browser inspector and ensure all links use correct HTML tags. (select)PassFailDescribe links that are incorrectly coded(Required)Buttons coded using button or input tags(Required)Buttons are elements that do something on a page such as submitting a form, opening a modal, expanding an accordion. Buttons must be coded with an HTML button tag or as an input with a type of button. Inspect the code for all buttons in your browser inspector and ensure they use correct HTML tags. Buttons that are coded as links (using an a tag) fail this check unless the link also has role=”button” and can be triggered via the spacebar.(select)PassFailDescribe buttons that are incorrectly coded(Required)All buttons and links have an accessible name(Required)Buttons and links must have an accessible name that is announced to screen reader users. You can check for empty buttons or links using an automated testing tool like Accessibility Checker or WAVE. You should also use your browser to inspect the code for buttons and links to ensure that the button or link is correctly named. There should be either visible text, screen reader text, or an aria label on the element that describes its purpose or where it goes.(select)PassFailDescribe buttons or links without accessible name(Required)Skip LinksThemes must include an in-page link that helps users navigate directly to content after arriving at a new page. These links may be positioned off screen initially but must be available to screen reader users and must be visible on focus. A minimally conforming skip link must: Be the first focusable element perceived by a user via screen reader or keyboard navigation. Be visible when keyboard focus moves to the link. Move focus to the main content area of the page when activated. More detailed instructions on testing skip links.Skip link is present(Required)Check multiple page templates including: home page, sample page, post single, category archive, tag archive.(select)PassFailSkip link is first focusable object on the page when not logged in(Required)Check multiple page templates including: home page, sample page, post single, category archive, tag archive.(select)PassFailSkip link becomes visible when it receives focus(Required)Check multiple page templates including: home page, sample page, post single, category archive, tag archive.(select)PassFailSkip link shifts focus to the content area of the site correctly(Required)Check multiple page templates including: home page, sample page, post single, category archive, tag archive. Test this by focusing the skip link then pressing the Return/Enter key. When focus shifts or page scrolls, hit Tab again and confirm that the focus moves to the first link or button in the content area and is not in the header.(select)PassFailDescribe skip link failures(Required)FormsComment forms must have appropriate field labels and all content within form tags need to be explicitly associated to a form control. Placeholder attributes are not valid replacements for a label, as they cease to be available after information is added to the field and can easily be mistaken for completed content. Post-submission responses (errors or confirmations) must be perceivable. Search form field is labeled(Required)Confirm that the search field has a label by inspecting the code in your browser. Ideally the label will be visible, however a screen reader only label is sufficient for the accessibility ready tag. (select)PassFailDescribe search form label issues(Required)Comment form fields are labeled(Required)View a blog post while logged out and confirm that the name, email address, website, and comment fields are correctly labeled. Labels must not be implicit to pass.(select)PassFailDescribe comment form label issues(Required)All forms have submit buttons(Required)View a blog post while logged out and confirm that the name, email address, website, and comment fields are correctly labeled. Labels must not be implicit to pass.(select)PassFail